I know (purposely), the title of the entry is obviously well enough to capture your eyes. Want to share this story with you all, it was happen in Pahang but I'm not sure which area and when. Someone told me before, it was about breast cancer. For your information, 1 in 19 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer by the age of 85.
Case 1
Ada satu keluarga berbangsa Cina di Pahang, si isteri didapati menghidap breast cancer stage 4 which is very ill or critical condition but her husband and the whole family refused to bring her to a hospital. What her family done was gave her a traditional medicine like akar kayu and those few herbs but it never cure her breast cancer. Her condition became worst. Her kids too were not allowed to be close to her because they believe the cancer will spread a poison toward her family. She was neglected and finally died wihout her family by her side..it was very sad.
Case 2
A doctor adviced a patient to do a mastectomy operation on her breast because it was effected by cancer but she refused. The doctor finally met both, wife and husband. He personally asked the guy what will happen if these women die because of breast cancer while she's actually had a chance to cure the other breast..the husband finally said "..Sayang, no matter u hv one or two breasts, i will always love you till the end.."
Haaa kan...how power is the support from husband (guy) and how different is the case 1 and 2...refer to the case 1, pity her but the other is lucky...
And that is not a taboo when men do talk about breast cancer. Those 5 guys (Henry Golding, Shahrizan Borhan, Kid Chan, Hensen Lee and Chan Fong) who willing to share their thoughts about breast cancer at MenCare: Don't Let Her Stand Alone campaign..kudos to you!
And you guys, please ask / tell your wife, girl friend, sister, sister in law, mother, grandmother, boss or any relative (women) to do a breast cancer checking because an early detection can save their life, can save your loves one, can save your sister etc.
Dear fellow women, please do a regularly checking by yourself every month.. or else you can visit any clinic to check it..
Don't think that breast cancer is a women problem because 1 % of the breast cancer patient is men. It maybe a really small percentage but it is breast cancer. Don't let her stand alone...please!