Sunday 31 July 2011

Miss u..curse to be alone...

Kita hidup
dalam kenangan
masa lalu
sambil bermimpi
mendampingi masa depan
serta hangat
dalam pelukan masa kini
Puing kehidupan yang abadi
kita pijak penuh sengsara
kerana kaca kehidupan
tajam menikam nadi usia
meskipun darahnya memancut merah
kita susun impian
sedingin salju
untuk membina
mercu bahagia
pada panasnya matahari
pada sinarnya bintang
pada cerahnya bulan
yang tergantung
di langit zaman.
Kita bernafas
pada dinginnya subuh
kita berlagu
pada hangatnya malam
kita bermimpi
pada berahinya rindu
dan kita patri
rasa itu
dalam gelora
yang bisu.
Rindu, tiada penghujung.....

Saturday 30 July 2011


Menemui dia,seperti biasa tidak banyak kata-kata yang diucapkan ketika berdiri sejurus di ruang yang dipenuhi orang itu, tapi aku tahu diam itu tidak bermakna  tiada bicara kerana diam yang sunyi adalah bisikan suara mengepung sejuta kata cuma tidak terucap lantaran kami membiarkan diam dan sunyi mentafsir suasana. Naskhah tersirat itu bertukar tangan. Ingin saja aku mentafsir setiap aksara di dalam lembaran kuning itu kerana di setiap huruf itulah aku mampu menelusuri sifat peribadinya..seperti batu-batu di laman, yang sentiasa kejap oleh akar merapat di bumi memaku sejumlah kenangan yang tidak mungkin luntur sampai bila-bila kerana detik itu hanya datang sekali dalam hidup.
Dia yang sentiasa dalam ingatan..RZ.

Thursday 28 July 2011


yesterday (all my trouble...beatles pls..huhu)
okeh yesterday..
call KA..asked abt something
as usual..he’s trying hard to help me..
and i know from his voice
sad is around
me too dear
but what can we do
nothing but missing each other
i can’t turn back
and u too
miss u always...

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Bad and lucky...

Aku tak rasa apa-apa pun today
cuma pagi tadi while drove to the office
i called Y to say hi and wish selamat berpuasa
then when i reached office
Ambrose text me to ask abt my health condition
I text Brat to ask abt kuih
and text my sist too asking whether she will
overnight @ my place or not tonite..
then the rest is ok..
Aku baca paper as well as check email bla bla bla!
masa nak kuar..ada appointment somewhere
hati dah teragak-agak nak bawa keta ke tak
sebab ingat kuar lunch appt dgn Zo
i decided to drive..
Park my car near Huck’s Cafe @ 10.30am and finish @12.30 noon.
fount that the back window is broken and im lucky though nothing left...
manage to call Brat and asking him where’s the nearest car wash
to vacuum the glass and a workshop too..
luckyly he came instantly to help me and everything’s settle smoothly
but still sad bcoz why it happened to me while ive nothing to do with them
B: U lucky coz nothing happen to u
Me: But my car was broken
B: Its only car, not least u ok..
Me: Yeah...but y may car?
B: My car too..long time the same place..
Me: Hmm...
B: Pls don sad la...nothinglah...don’t worry. I ask the uncle to help u.
Me: Ok thanks..
B: He will do a clean job..u tunggu sini or else waiting in my office, more better.
Me: Here is ok..
B: U sure?
Me: Sure..
Hmm..that is B! Always helpful..
While today is a lucky day bcoz i win a lucky draw during Loccitane soft launch! Yay!!

Monday 25 July 2011


Aku dah le duduk sorang di rumah besar itu. Di pejabat aku pulak kecoh pasai ada org nampak cik hant... macam2 versi. Sabtuday lepas, ada sekumpulan ustaz datang tangkap hantu. Sangatlah scary sebab mereka buat teknik level by level dan siap bitau kalau ada sapa2 yg lemah semangat, sila kuar dulu sebab mereka nak halau cik hant..
Hmm..kalaulah haku tahu begini keadaannya, tak hadalah aku nak datang seawal jam 6 pagi dan solat subuh sensorang kat celah meja..hmm nasib baik le juga tak ada namapak apa-apa sepanjang aku dok datang awal.
Ada yang kata jam 6 petang family Cik han dah start mengusik, tarik beg le, tunjuk muka le, usik sesapa yang sensorang dalam lift la..memacam..habeslah lah daku yang selalu datang awal ini.
Apa-apa pun aku harap cerita ini akan fade up dengan sendirinya dan family cik han tu pun x akan ganggu kami lagi yang bekerja malam...
Kalau berterusan, kesianlah kepada mereka yang bekerja malam...tentu seram gila nak p parking and nak masuk lift belakang.

Pls don't..

Arghh...rasa nak demam
ini saat yang aku sangat tidak suka
tekak pedih
mata berair
hidung meleleh
badan lemau
sendi lemah
dan kudrat hilang
Ya Allah...
tolong aku
kurniakanlah aku kesihatan yang memberangsangkan
kalau aku sakit, tak ada siapa di sisiku..
uhuk! uhuk!

Huh..ntah tetiba rasa something wrong dengan tekak.
Aku tahu sangat, this is early stage for a heavy caughing...
Mata berair toksah cakap la..(walhal kadang2 memang tear drops because of other isue..syy)
Aku jarang raser yg bila terasa seram sejuk..mak aihh jauhkanlah aku dari sebarang
bala bencana dan dugaanMu Ya Allah
last time aku deman Disember last year
aku tido le atas sofa putih kat main hall
datang le apa pun..semua gone
aku tak sedar dan tak ambil peduli..
yang aku ingat..tdo to release paint
dan petang ni..rasa itu datang lagi
seperti mana rasa di petang Disember itu..

Sunday 24 July 2011

Miss u..

I know
and u are free
to interpret
the meaning of that
and i hope
that it won't bother you
at all.
I just want to have
a nice things
in my travellodge
while HE allow me to do that.
I need
to complete my painting
in a way
to finish
my art work
of life...

5.31pm 20 April 2010


Boleh...anginlah tempat paling baik
untuk bersembunyi
kerana sentiasa bertiup
dan bergerak
...boleh rasa tapi tak nampak...
...boleh rasa tapi tak boleh pegang...

11.33pm 16 April 2010


Allahhumma bismika
amutu wa ahya
Ya Allah
dengan namaMU
aku hidup
dan mati...

1.48am 31 Mac 2010


17 kali dalam alQuran,
Allah perintah untuk kita
berzikir pagi (after Subuh)
dan petang (after Asar)
otw pergi office
spend sometime
to recite
La'ilah'haill'lallah (100x)
Subhanallah (100x)
Alhamdulillah (100x)
Allahhuakbar (100x)
It will take a few minutes only
Other than that
all of us
just forget HIM..

6.29am, 6 April 2010

Curse to be alone...

make you feel
the real value
of the warm
hug of loved one.

21 Nov 2008


often end
in love
in friendship
- never!


Closenes doesn't come
when we are together
It comes
when we are
and realize
that despite
not seeing
we never stop
each other
true friendship!


Friendship is like
the unseen wind.
It is
the unseen wind
that move
the ship.

17 April 2008.


He told me
life is like a river flow
never turn back
never reverse even a drop
always follow the flow
beneath the stream
there's a path
that i can't change

Dia sentiasa berkata
tiada sekilas angin pun
yang boleh meloloskan diri
kerana rindu itu
terlalu akrab
dan rapat
mengikat jiwa.

Saya rindu dia...


Bukan perut kosong ya
bukan juga gelas kosong
tidak cakap kosong sama sekali
poket kosong memang tak pernah
hati aku yang kosong
kosong yang memilukan
korang pun mesti pernah rasa kosong kan
bukan selalu rasa begini
dalam 24 jam..ada seminit dua
yg aku rasa benar-benar kosong
ketika itu rasa ingin saja
mengosongkan diri dari
maya alam luas ini...


Saturday...weekend...aku kerja juga
hmm tak habes2 kerja
gitula kalau dah namanya kuli
ada appt kat Sunway Medical Center
Doc citer pasal cancer prostate
cehh tak de kena mengena dengan aku
tapi keje punya pasal..
pergi gak le
and finally
found out that
the talk abt CP
was quite interesting
bahaya gak pada lelaki
hmm...nasib baik ahkak bukan lelaki
Thank Allah..
Apa-apa pun, hidup sentiasa penuh dengan dugaan
petang Sabtu yang paginya tidak dilakukan ziarah
ke 'tanah Ma'
aku tahu Ma tahu akan rutin aku yg sentiasa begitu.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Miss u..

The person that I always miss
my late father
my late mother..maryam
my late nenek..
my siblings, KJ, NZ, SE, I (i love u all..)
my ex ..KA

ye lah kan..walau buat apa, pergi mana sekalipun
orang yg paling dekat dgn kita adalah orang yg mempunyai sama darah
but in my case
both my parents dah x ada..

i hv fully support
from my 4 siblings
and of coz...nieces n nephews.. goes on
stop mourning
wake up
a 1st step
to be on top..
of life
wish me luck!


Hmm..cakap pasal mutton ni
u all dengar tak radio sinar 2  3 hari lepas
apa le bangap sangat abang Jem tu
krill kata kg mortem
tapi dia dengar macam mutton
memang sebutan nak dekat kan
i dengar sambil drive
sengeh2 dalam keta
gila lawak..
walopon i x suka abang Jem @ SY
yg kawen 4 tu
tapi lawak budusnya kekadang
mencuit hati..
ye lah..
laughter is the best medicine
apa lagi ubat yg ada..

Friday 22 July 2011

Health today...

Date: 22 July 2011
Time: 9.20am
Clinic: Bakti Clinic
Med Officer: Dr Rohaya Ramli
Sugar: 5.1 (Good)
BP: 120/80 (Good)
Weigh: 89kg (Obes, need to reduce 25++kg..huhu)

Dr: Morning gal..(smile)
Me: Mrng Doc..
Dr: Everythings is good today..any good news?
Me: ate a lots of chocholate tomorrow..and some more food, rabbit, prawn, crab, chicken and cold soba.
Dr: banyak?
Me: Food review la Doc..what to do..tis my job..hihi
Dr: Okeh...whateva..consistant take emeryl and hayza..(2 types of pill ive taken..daily intake)

And came out with lalam hati ale sikit sinang ooo....petang ni heading to Marriot Putrajaya and then straight to Mines for makan-makan again...:-)

Jean-Marie Auboine

I mad of it...
really mad about it
and it is chocholate
my boss assigned me to Malaysia Pastri Academy
to meet someone
and he is
Chef Jean-Marie Auboine
I was shocked
he's so handsome
and sexy
in his way to explain about chocholate
hmm...kalau dia bukan chef
yang membuat chocholate
dia bukan siapa-siapa pun, sungguh!
Moral of the story: Aku gila chocholate, bukan tergila-gilakan dia.
Tapi kira boleh jugalah gilakan dia pun...hik! hik! hik!

Master Chocolatier and Executive Pastry Chef. Finalist MOF Chocolatier 2011. Best Desserts in Miami 2009 by Miami New Times Best Chef in Mexico 2008 by Vatel Club Finalist MOF Chocolatier Confiseur 2007 5th Place World Chocolate Masters 2005, Winner of the Press Award. American Chocolate Master 2005 Member of the Academie Culinaire de France since 2004 Best Pastry Chef in France Guide Champerard 2003


a friends of mine
when im alone..
a people call friends
always be there for me
when im sad
someone call me
and he/she is my friend
when im happy
i call them
to belanja makan-makan
and they are my friend
when i wake up
suddenly at nite
i text them
they are friends
early morning
someone text me
to wish good morning
and he is my friend
after 9pm someone text me
where r u
and they r friends too..
u always be there for me coz u are my friend..always!

Im totally ok...

Last nite
when I drove back
sleepy and tired
nausea too..






i am
because nobody there for me
if im fall sick!

LW...u must be strong!

The moment that i like...

Someone invited me to hv a dinner in Intercontinental (formerly known as Niko Hotel).
Without hesitate, i went there and had a very release session together with Bobby, Samantha, Azza and a lady from Hotel Magazine.
We keep chatting abt the gong that brought someone to the next phase...
Gong tu ada kat Kg Mortem.
Bobby's friends, MA, bet the gong for 3 times and a month later,
she was married with a guy from Switzerland.. what a lucky then.
Bobby told me:
B: Kalau i tau ketok gong 3 x boleh kawin.. i'll do that!
Azza: I want to get the gong..i want to get married now!
Sam: Owh everybody is looking for the gong eh...(with eyes drooling..hihi)
Me: Ya too...mana itu gong aa..i wanna bet it too..(smiley face..)
The Lady: Guess the gong already rosak maa..lama sudah..

And finally..hihi...haha..hihi..haha..what a funny times we had even it only 2 hrs..twas blast of happiness!

Before back home, Samantha ask me to meet up with Japanese chef since i love Japanese food...luv ya Sam..XOXO!

Thursday 21 July 2011

Hantu kah?

Huhu..korang tau tak???
Kat opis aku..
2 3 hari ni
kecoh plak
pasal ada staff nampak hantu
ada yg nampak cik han
dok mencangkung atas koridor
ada plak
yg jumpa dalam lift
sampai demam2 mamat tu..
ada yg nampak cik han
baring dalam keta
bila g tengok dekat tadak
aku plak yang seriau ni'
sebab aku salu balik lampat
kaputla cenggini
sapa nak teman aku turun parking ek..
huhu...scary marry mak...

Life goes on (1)

I don't know others..
we alive
we move
we plan
we do everything we want
we refuse a things that we don't want to do
on other circumstances
we think
we thought
we scrutinies
we values
we discuss
we express
we regret
we sad
we happy
i am
abt to
have it all
in a day
of my life
on journey
to the future
while turn back
i saw
a path of me
like a diamond
among a pebbles..
LW..lets wake up
stop mourning
put some colours
into it
so that
the rainbows
will spread
the beauty
of sadness.

Life goes on..

Last nite..
talking like will never hv tomorrow
as time goes by
a moment is to fast
never thot that the plant grow well
and i believe that
its happen by a reason
of friendship!

thanks peep!
ur always remain as u
the one and only
P is infront of me
and ill be always behind u

Wednesday 20 July 2011


My first dahlia....
yang sentiasa aku suka
dan sayang
kerana kejelitaannya
aku gila sangat..
dengan kuntuman ini
berasa agak release
ketika mengadunnya
if u..
if u can talk
ill talk to u
without fail
coz i know
ull keep my life secret
coz i hv
a thousand of secret
of my life...

A view from me...

Inilah view hadapan rumah aku
dan sepohon pokok itu..
yang sentiasa kelihatan hidup
seolah-olah menyimpan seribu bicara
dan mengumpul sejumlah kata-kata
bahawa dia sepi
setiap hari hanya sepi yg ada
seperti aku
menghitung sunyi
hanya dia
yang memahami
A view from LW window..
i love this view..aku suka sangat berdiri di hadapan tingkap ini...
ada seribu pemandangan yang aku boleh nampak...
berangan pun ya...
kadang2, dia tak tahu..
aku melihatnya dengan cagiva kuning itu
mengaum..nasib baik dia tak handsome
aku rasa, cagiva itu lebih handsome dari tuannya...
a window
with a thousand views
and infinity meanings..
that's the colours of life...
my life!

German cookies...

German cookies?
1st time i did it
yay!! jadi
ouchh..thanks to blogger
tapi saya dah lupa..
apa nama blognya..
the fact that..
this is not my real recipe..
thanks to blogger out there!
luv ya..
Gebus giloss..sangat!

B vs V (2)

B: Gd mrng V
V: Mng B!
B: Hv great day ahead!
V: Same goes to u..may all the best with u..
V: breakfast?
B: Not yet
B: U?
V: Will hv brunch..u bz?
B: Not really
B: Just after a US delegate briefing
V: Owh...they visit MK?
B: yerp
V: Ok
B: Hwz ur day?
V: Well manage so far....bla! bla! bla!
B: Ok, get smtg b4 u leave
V: Ok..sure..and u too..
B: I should, and I will
B: No worries V
B: xo
V: fine day..we shud seat..and see who will starts eating and who’s gonna finish first since we r difficult to eat...
V: Siapa kalah kena belanja..hihi
B: Hahaha
V: fine day..when we really free..haha..I shud reserve my tummy then..:-)
B: Hahaha..
B: U should
V: ;-):-)
B: U make me shile V
B:  Great! :-)

B vs V (1)

B: Me as usual
V: ;-)
B: Me bck home
B: Gd nite V
B: Wake up V
B: Laa
B: Muka sedih
B: Ur ok?
V: Ok...just feel down n sad...nvmd..
B: Enna atchi
B: xoxo
V: Nothing..hormone changes i guess
B: Wanna talk?
B Let me giv u a hug...
V: Thanks...
B: Whts botherin u?
V: Nvmd..
B: I mean it..
B: Talk to me
B: I wanna share it with u
B: Listen to u..
V: Never mind B, i appreciate ur kindness..
B: I do not wnt to insist, I really mean it..
B: I moght nt able to solve ur prblm
B: I can listen n share it
V: Its ok..when I’m ready..i’ll talk 2 u..
B: :-)
V: Thanks..
B: Can i assume that ur pillows has shared more of ur emotions other than any living human?
V: A lot...


We talk everyday..
day and night
night and day
if im mute
he buzz me
and if he's mute
i ding dong him
but i know
he think abt me..always
and me think abt him..
he's nothing
he's only him
he's just someone around the corner
but i know
he's always be there for me
P: Im pissed off
LW: Why?
LW: Where u? Still bz?
P: Can talk or nak teh tarik?
LW: O my..i jz move out from bistro, had tea tarik alone...
P: U going back home now?
LW: Not yet, may be late
And I know
he knows
that I know
what in his mind..

Take a breath...

Tired and seek
with human fool
that's life!

Missed by time goes by

we missed by moment
I know
and I know
without fail
taking care each other
form the air
with a sence of feeling
to see
and not to see
only a piece of glass
hide us
but just around the corner
I know
u there
standing for me..
i too
do the same
we can't
as time goes by...

I hate to post this kinda entry..but i need to..

Aku rasa aku sudah cukup berhemah
apabila berkata-kata
di mulut aku pun bukan ada pisau
memang sudah style aku
less talk
reduce fault
little mistake
talk when need
do not talk if nothing
aku senang
aku buat jer kejer aku
aku tak kacau korang punya tepi kain
korang jangan nak cuit tepi kain aku
kalo tak
dengan seluar dalam korang aku koyak
manusia plastik macam mereka dan mereka
muka cantik
tapi plastik
konon baik
tapi jelik
perangai terpuji
tapi keji...

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Life is too short...

Life is too short my dear..
please wake up..
touch the rainbow
see the blue sky
count the star
but don't u ever forget the green grass
the mother of all
that lead you
to HIS creation..
spread your sadness
drop your tears
and yet HE embrace u personally
soft and warm
honest and sincere
will never let u go
because HE is always with u
no matter what happen
always remember HIM..
ALLAH is almighty!

Time goes by...

sleepy...! Last to KA
Talk to Pete..
Talk to Brat..
Talk to Ambrose..
Talk to Nor Z
Talk to Hsna
Talk to everybody
pok pek pok pek and finally i noticed
the times has flew so fast..

What im gonna do..
age increase...
how im gonna end up my life
never know that
what is a plan for me
but i know
HE know the best for me...

Saturday 16 July 2011

Bunga cik pon...

Tau tak bunga apa neh?? Aku suka bunga ni..hambek rumah makcik ri tu...
dah kering pun, but still keep it because i like it smelly..wangi sangat.
Satu bilik bau wangi..kalau balik keje, buka je pintu bilik...semerbak wanginya.
But some people avoid of this beautiful flowers..
sebab bunga ni selalunya semerbak bau selepas hujan.
Kalau waktu malam, lagi le baunya bangkit...
Haa namanya adalah bunga kesidang
atau ada juga yg panggei harum sundal malam
lebih ngeri..depa dok sebut bunga pontianak..
tapi arwah my mom and nenek panggil bunga tikar seladang..
ntah aku tatau mana datang perkataan ni
yang aku tahu..baunya sangat meresap ke jiwa..sangat!
Kalau sakit hati, cium bunga ni boleh reduce kan!

There is still a child in us...

Aku sker gila anak patung merah ni...walhal anak patung plastik jer..was given by my dahling fren...long time ago..semalam kemas bilik...tetiba pling terlompat anak patung ni depan haku..actually this is a plastik bag..boleh cover handbag kalu hujan.

P/s: When i see this red anak patung, i remember a synical statement from TJ, hei u ni kan..umur je cecah 40, but there is still a child in u..i pun...hehehehe...kita x boleh nafi kan...(Ya lah Tuan TJ..awak tu lagi le..nak dekat 50 dah tapi awek muda cun melecun...)

Friday 15 July 2011

Fresh vege...

Sedap tak agak2?
Haku masak express gila sayur ni, sebab konon nak buat macam fast cook yg style cina punyer..
ada beans, freshwood ear mushroom, cabbage, prawn etc..sumpah...mak campak2 jer tapi tak sangka plak bila bawak opis, ada org kata sedap..maybe sebab mak masak dengan naluri yang sangat ikhlas...siap baca Bismillah bagai...kannyer late mother dulu salu pesan, masak dengan penuh rasa kasih sayang,  hati ikhlas, baca Bismillah dan jaga kebersihan, mesti orang yang melihatnya terliur nak makan...hmm ur rite mom..absolutely rite...haku tak pandai masak pun...tapi dorang kata ok? So..mak kena kesah tu! :-)


KA: Dik, akak ada pass ni, ko nak tak?
Me: Pass apa kak? Oh pass ni ke? Hmm..
KA: Nak tak?
Me: Eh bleh gak le kak..saya suka Liv ni..sebab dekat Liv ni ada muzium...
KA: Apa ke hei nye ko ni..akak cakap pass training..
Me: Ye kak, saya pun, saya kata kat Liverpool yang betul tu..kat Manchester..ada Muzium Beatles...saya tengah kumpul duit ni nak p berfoya-foya kat Liverpool sama itu Lennon...muehehe..
KA: Lahai ko neh...ekekekek!

Hmm...ada owang bagi haku pass percuma p masuk tengok team Liverpool training kat Bkt Jalil...
walaupun x minat sport, aku hambek gak la...bley bagi sesapa yg nak...haku cuma sker Liverpool..i mean Liverpool City itself in Manchester bcoz there is a Beatles Museum in Liverpool..kalu ader duet, akan ku visit Liverpool itu kelak...

Miss u mom...

Assalamualaikum Ma, (chewahh...hari ni haku jadi baik..sebab aku rindu mak aku..sob! sob!)
Ma...saya rindu! Saya tahu Ma sudah bersemadi dengan aman di sana. Apa yang saya boleh buat untuk Ma ialah bersedekah dan buat amal jariah untuk Ma. Semoga pahalanya sampai kepada Ma, Abah dan Mek di sana. Alfatihah untuk Ma, Abah dan Mek juga.
Amin...sob! sob!

P/s: korang pun mesti pernah berasa sedih kan dalam hidup, jangan nak bohong...menangislah kalau perlu, tak ada dosanya kalu korang nak kuarkan ayor mata pun..

Thursday 14 July 2011

Handsome kah?

Tadi Cik Angeline ajak makan kat Social@KL, boleh tahan jam nak sampai situ. Ampun lah, haku akan fikir banyak kali lepas ni kalau ada appt kat situ...teghobang duit mak doploh hengget bayar duit teksi pakcik tu..o ya ngeri haku bila ingat pakcik tu..orgnya kecik je tapi tangan dia mak datuk...besar gaban..haku da mula terfikir memacam kat kapla hotak..seb baik ada kat tengah bandar..kalo tak..mak tatau ahh..
Ok, perkara gumbira hari ni..(1) Steve masih ingat haku, masih sentiasa ingat haku..(2) Bekas cik ki sms cakap miss me..miss ke dia kat haku neh..musykil mak! (3) Cik Angeline belanja makan mash potato enak...:-) (4) Duit masih banyak kat bangunan rimau...hihi..i like...bleh beli handbag..Manakala perkara tak menggumbirakan mak...(1) Makan overdose sebab ada potluck kat opis..sight*-* (2) esok petang ada appt di My cook book..lubuk jem...mak tak suka....(3) Malas nak driving sok...(4) tatau nak pakai baju apa..
Ok..time is over..ill be fallin into my slumberland bak kata Brat..hmm mana mamat ni pergi..

Commercial break:

Adakah kita berasa mamat tu handsome kalau:
1. Tolong buka pintu keta?
2. Selalu sms wish morning and nite and tanya da shapedek ke blom?
3.Kalau bercakap mesti nak sebut dear, honey or darling?
4. Selalu cakap tq walaupun ntah hapa-hapa.
5. Selalu belanja kalau ajak kuar?

Hmm..aku rasa seseorang mamat tu handsome bangat kalau dia sanggup belikan aku sebiji beatles...huh..ada ke?

Adakah kita berasa orang sekeliling kita bleh dipercayai kalau dia kategori yang:
1. Muka cantik tp suka jaga tepi kain kita.
2. Macam lalang.
3. Gunting dalam lipatan.
4. Pilih bukan..pilih bulu.
5. Bossy..

Cer korang pikio sket...


Bonsoir? Ca va?
Hello.. how are you?
Hai..apa khabar?
Giteww ler lebey kurang blog haku bunyinya
kenapa letak bahasa Peranchisss?
sebab mak suka berangan..
kononnya mak fasih cakap Peranchiss..
walaupun  terhegeh-hegeh
tapi tak pelah kan..
berangan sudehh..
hidup kena berangan..
ini pentas besar
pentas dunia..
sendiri jadi pengarah
sendiri jadi pelakon
haku da kata
nak buat apa haku suka.
p/s: Momoqs..walaupun bertahun sudehh aku boikot forum itu, ko tau naper kan..

Apa kes? Kuning lagi..

Nape ek..kalau pulut, mesti kaler kuning
Inilah pulut kuning yang haku makan pagi ni...
Sorry eh pulut kuning ini bukan dihantar oleh geng bersih
tapi dah memang pulut untuk kenduri kesyukuran
salu owang buat kaler kuning..
kat opis haku deme ni rajin buat makan2
saja nak ternak badan
haku join sama
terus cafe tak laku
ada banyak food
ntah napa pulut ni gak haku rasa cam cantik jer
walaupun haku sker kaler hijau actually..(haku bukan penyokong pas ek)

Flat, apartment atau condo?

Me: Kak..u nampak kur..(kurus le)
KY: Kur ke i..dah naik le u..
Me: sebab u pakai baju yg ala-ala kuncup kena hujan ek?
KY: Ni..nampak, dua, tiga, empat, lima.(katanya sambil memicit benjolan spare tyre di badannya..)
Me: Ok pe..sedap tu...kalau landing..warm tu kakak..muahaha...
KY: A ahh...kan.
Tetiba ada suara menyampuk...lima kak, flat lima tingkat ker..
KY: A ahh flat lama yang tak de lift..
Me: Well i punya nasib baik apartment medium class yang ada lift lagi...ekekeke...(perasan..bluekkk)
Boleh tak, badan disamakan dengan flat dan apartment?? Apa kes? Ada ke orang pilih flat, aparment atauuuuu..nak juga tarap kondo atau duplex??? Korang ada jopan?


tadi masa drive ke opis sleepy sket...
aku tekan minyak
nak cepat sampai
nak minum kopi
nak modified blog
finally siap juga
blog suka suki mak ni
kalau masuk sini cara elok
mak persilakan
kalau masuk dengan hati busuk
boleh blah..

p/s: sekejap mak, sekejap saya, sekejap ini saya punya, saya punya suka hati leh kan..kan?


Testing..finally wujud juga blog ini..

Aidiladha beberapa tahun ini..

 Tiba-tiba teringat pasal sate pulak tengah hari ni.. Aidiladha aku tak pernah sama setiap tahun. Pada tahun 2014, aku  beraya di Brockley. ...