Saturday 21 September 2013

Bye bye sorrow...

Woke up this harsh, no sleepy while driving, no traffic jam, no maki carut masa bawak keta, no fear, no hated, no heart broken, no smoke..ehhh!! Hehe...i pinch my cheek and ouchhhh! Sakit lahhhh! Well..this is my life now...start working at 9am and break during lunch and continue again...LW this is reality of your routine now..crafting, painting, cooking, reading, sleeping, dreaming, outing, leisuring and last but not least, travelling - work 24 hrs per day, no bonus, no annual leave and no mc. I took the challenge and it was awesome.
As for me,  life is about to make a decision, take it or leave it, do or not to do. No regret, no look back and no sadness. The sadness phase was over long time ago and i don't have much time to look further about the things that didnt give me any benefit. Bye bye sorrow!
This is not my painting at all, i discovered it at wall near art shop in Melawati. It looks beautiful and without delay...terus klik! Yang biru bawah tu pun nampak cam cantik gak..kalau boleh potong dinding batu tu nak jer aku ambik, tak de signature so tak de owner la kan..ceitt!
I know, they keep guessing and gossiping what will i do after the date, 10th Septh. They keep chatting why i took a decision like that, the keep talking what happen to me but i never bother because i, the one who will manage myself and i have nothing to prove except myself.
And yesterday, thanks to Chegu Syam aka Bella yang bawa aku pi menshoppingkan diri sejumlah kanvas and etc...i know, life become hectic soon. I like...
"LW, En Suzlee kata u kalau nak upgrade value lukisan tu, u kena buat supaya orang tak leh tiru teknik u.."
"Ya ke Che Kem..okiss i tau nak buat macam mana.."
"Yer..dia tu dah femes..lukisannya ada di mana-mana saja.."
"Tau..i sempat p empat kelas dengan dia dulu..lepas tu gone.."
"Buat je lah..nanti kita buat kolaborasi.."
That was my conversation with Che Kem, multitalented guy whom i knew since form six in Pasir Mas. He's Tunku Abdul Rahman dalamTanda Putera.. sambil makan lepas tengok makyung Raja Ho Gading..tq Che Kem..ill do shaa Allah..


  1. LW.. Assalamualaikum dik..
    Semoga baik-baik sahaja di sana.
    & semoga segala yg diusahakan mampu memberikan senyuman walaupun hanya sekadar untuk hari ini.

    You take care..

    1. Wsalam kak Sham,
      mekaseh doa untuk saya ini..juga sama untuk kak Sham, semoga baik-baik saja dan dalam peliharaan Allah sentiasa untuk kak sham dan family

  2. Hohoho... you took that decision oredi aaa?
    Aku pernah terfikir untuk berkarya dalam bentuk lain.
    Ye la.. dulu aku suka menulis.
    Kemudian terasa lama sangat nak habis... aku buat puisi...
    Sekarang, puisi pun dah malas nak tulis sebab terasa masih panjang...
    Kemudian trfikir pula melukis... dah nak beli kanvas dan alat2 tapi aku tengok mahal2 juga alat2nya ... huh..

    1. Nizam.Ariff
      bro yer, oredi..dah nak dekat dua minggu..first tu memang aku blur sebab dah biasa bangun rush nak p keje, la ni opis aku sejengkal je..and it was awesome..aku buat banyak benda serentak sebab nak bagi challenge pada diri sendiri...hehe

  3. LW,

    Keep moving dear..Life is about decisions. You decide yours. :)

    Good luck!

    1. Eliza dear,
      yes sis, finally I did it. no regret at all and Alhamdulillah..

      thanks a million..much appreciate..xoxo!

  4. seni ni luas. mcm2 boleh di karyakan

    1. Telor Power
      ya TP, mekaseh faham..jom minum kopi..kikiki

    2. kopitiam mana nak blanja ni sis? ekekeke

  5. Assalamualaikum LW,

    All the very best ... next step !


    1. Real L in M

      Waalaikumsalam dear, thanks for the wishes..appreciate it!

  6. Kakak, kakak telah berhenti kerja dr kilang kertas kah? Well..good luck and all the best!

    1. Siti
      ya saying..pilihan more susun kertas, no more susun a lot of happiness..

  7. rezeki tu Allah janji di mana-mana, di laut di gunung di mana mana. Selagi ada kemahuan, Insha Allah ada jalannya.

    1. Cekem Mirza
      Betul Cekem, di mana ada usaha di situ ada hasil..jom kita berkolaborasi

  8. Best je bunyi nya...

    Crafting.. painting.. cooking... reading..

    Wah.... u do all u want.

    Nong andy

    1. Nong saying
      yer aku dah buat apa yang aku nak buat all this while

      muahh untuk retis aku yang dah besar pun agaknya ya..Shinta yang manis!

  9. LW,
    foto kedua kalau ditransform ke kanvas akan jadi sangat berharga. banyak layer dan sukar diulang buat

  10. Bestnya bleh buat aper yg disukai... crafting, painting, cooking, reading, sleeping, dreaming, outing, leisuring, travelling.. all sound very2 exciting!

    Best of luck LW!


Aidiladha beberapa tahun ini..

 Tiba-tiba teringat pasal sate pulak tengah hari ni.. Aidiladha aku tak pernah sama setiap tahun. Pada tahun 2014, aku  beraya di Brockley. ...