Wednesday 11 January 2012

Owh no!

I still remember, long time ago
before I took a decision to start my life as a single lady
Someone did ask I sure?
What will happen if something happen to me, who's gonna taking care of me?
Thousand question came accros my mind.
Nahh..I still stand..and now I understood, why he keep asking me the question.
I am desperate! Really desperate..not desperate to look for who's gonna donate his sperm to me...
But I'm desperate becoz my car is breakdown, a battery is week, a lamp is on and i didnt know how to manage it!
Even I have know nothing about that! :(
And I just came back from outstation, tired, shock, stress and all those suck things happen suddenly while I confirm that my blood turn on and on...gosh!
And at this moment I wish that resakse ultraman dyna will come in front of me to solve my problem???
Is this what we call cubaan? Dugaan? Cabaran? Whatever it is..I can...


  1. dear,
    why? why?
    jap lagi kesatria baja itam dtg yek. hehe!

  2. 2nd,
    send ur car to workshop. when its done just pay it.
    tak payah poning2 kan kepale

  3. O yeah bebeh...kesatria baja hitam oso can...but I wish inspector gadget...hihi

  4. TP, the problem is the battery is kong so cannot start the engine mehh...and it's in my office...tersadai kat parking level tingkat 14..tak pe I dah roger si handsome winson...pomen eh..hehe

  5. hidup adalah berkenaan menikmati bebanan. selamat berisitrehat.

  6. Yerp..aku off today...memang ingat cover tdo tapi x buleh la buddy...keta tersadai nun...:(

    1. mcm u, u yang nekad..mcm ni ni teraniaya..tidak bersedia untuk ditinggalkan tapi tak pelah dah jadi dah pun... kan...

      dulu masa i menghadapi situasi tu sorang2 pun panik gak laa tapi tetiba terpandang kat cermin kereta yang ada nombor untuk panggil sekiranya berlaku apa2 kat kereta kan? so call je lah... lepas dari hari tu i rasa semua masalah boleh diselesaikan...

    2. i nasib baik sebab keta parking kat masa x leh start tu i minta tolong guys kat office tengok dan depa siap guna jumper nak charga battery. Dah memang battery lama dan x mo hidup. So i tinggal ke keta, petang ni nak g opis panggil pomen tukar battery.

  7. Hehehehe!

    Nape mesti otromen Dyna kak? Otromen Taro pecite lak? T die jeles akak pgl Dyna sekor je kang...


  8. MF, akak sebenarnya nak kan resaksa gaban atau inspector gadget...atau doraemon, Sumer Ada kan..hihi


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